A support blog for sharing and exchanging our troubles with the A's while traveling the long road of hope and recovery.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Introduction to Alcohol and Anorexia


I am writing this partially to air my soul of the diseases I have in my life, and partially to aid others in their search for help, aid, or just a comfortable shoulder to lean on. Sometimes the best people in life, and the ones who I have found to be the most influential to me are not the doctors, counselors, or what not, but the people who have been where I have.

Note: I am not in anyway advocating developing either of these problems. I know there are many pro-ana sites out there, and I would never wish my demons on anyone. In fact, if I could change one thing in my life it would be that fall day when I first discovered anorexia, and then two years later on the fall day I discovered alcohol could be more than a party drink.

For me, the mixture of these two were violatile, but there is help, hope, and recovery all of which I have stumbled onto. I think it is ridiculous to say you ever get over these diaseases, it is one thing that both have in common. However, there is a way to get a handle on both so they never interfer in your life again, which is what I have tried to do to the best of my abilites.

Over time, I am going to share my personal experiences mixed with informative articles that may help guide you on the path of recovery. Personally, faith did not help me recover, I do not subscribe to God or religion, and maybe sometimes that would have made it easier. I found inner faith in myself and a light that my self-destructive habits would lead to my death. It took me three close encounters with death to finally wake up, for you I hope the light comes sooner, but if it does not, then I sincerely hope it comes before it it is too late.

This is my story of the alocholism, anorexia, and my recovery. Feel free to comment as I am receptive to all thoughts. If you have something you want to add, drop me a post and I will gladly consider adding it to a post. I think that a support system is the best thing that anyone with either of these diaseases can hope for.

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